Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Lend a helping hand
I know it's easy to become immune to all the requests for donations in this world. It's so common to be asked for money, and sometimes you don't even know if an organization is trustworthy.
The effects of Katrina are very real, and it makes me sad to think of all the people without homes now...and even worse, those who have died. It's going to take millions to rebuild the areas where Katrina struck. I can't even imagine where to begin.
The Network for Good has compiled a very clear, easy to nagivate page for you to choose a charity to donate to. These are all well known, reputable places to send your money. I strongly urge you make a donation... even if it's just a few dollars. Don't fall for that excuse "What difference will a few dollars make?". Believe me, it helps.
If you make a donation, be proud of yourself, because you've done something nice for someone else. And leave a comment on my blog so I can recognize your act of kindness. I want you to know I'm proud of you.
Click here for the list of safe, secure places to make a donation.
Posted by Nathan @ 4:55 PM
Commented by 5:39 PM ,
I think that's great, Ethan. You're a good guy. By the way, I hope you're feeling better today.
Commented by Nathan, 7:47 PM
Good call, Nathan. I added the Network for Good link to my homepage.
Commented by purpletwinkie, 12:30 PM
That's great, Scott. You even added the banners to your sidebar. Great idea.
Commented by Nathan, 2:15 PM
- American Red Cross
- Humane Society