nathan exposed: the naked truth about life in the words of a gay nashville man. music, movies, tv, queer culture, politics, emotion, humor, drama, and more

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Libra Season

libraWell folks, starting tomorrow it's Libra season. I don't know how it happened, but a lot of the blogs I frequent are written by Libra's. And most of my friends outside the blogosphere are *also* Libra's.

So a very Happy Birthday to all you boys born in September and October. On a good day, you're warm, funny, witty, and charming. On a bad day.... well, you know how you can be ;)

Posted by Nathan @ 6:20 PM


Libra power!

Commented by Blogger purpletwinkie, 11:50 PM  
I'm tempted to cut and paste this into an email and send it to Sam. :P

Commented by Blogger Sunshine, 5:06 PM  
Be my guest Sunshine :)

Commented by Blogger Nathan, 5:58 PM  

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