nathan exposed: the naked truth about life in the words of a gay nashville man. music, movies, tv, queer culture, politics, emotion, humor, drama, and more

Friday, September 09, 2005

Watch out, he's cumming!

cummingHave you seen the commercial for Alan Cumming's new cologne... called "Cumming"?

It's the gayest cologne ad I've ever seen. Here's the set-up:

Alan comes home, greets his dog, and starts getting undressed. Cut to some scenes where he's rolling around in bed naked, then cut back to the scenes of him getting undressed piece by piece. Throw in some scenes of his bare ass walking around, and you've got a classic gay ad.

It really took balls to film an ad like this... and believe me, he's sure got 'em (you can see them dangling). My only complaint is the gigantic bushes growing out of his armpits - he needs to trim those fuckers. And I think we all could have done without the eye shadow and weird dog scenes.

Despite it's strangeness, it's a brave campaign. The cologne name is so gay to begin with, why not do a naked gay commercial? At the end he says "I'm cumming..." :)

Click here for see the commercial.

Posted by Nathan @ 4:09 PM


Well, I mean, I can't say that I dislike the smell of cum...but I don't know about a spray bottle full of it... :)~ hehe

Commented by Blogger purpletwinkie, 6:02 PM  
Hmm, I watched the commercial, but didn't see any danglies. Oh well. I'll have to smell the stuff one day.

Commented by Blogger Jaisn Hart, 8:25 AM  
Even before I started reading the post, I was like, "man, he needs to do something with that hair under his armpits..." - then I read what you said and laughed out loud. Great minds think alike. :P

Commented by Blogger Sunshine, 6:16 AM  
Funny Sunshine. Yeah I guess great minds do :)

Jaisn - I noticed that too. I could see them at work on my iMac. My iMac is more sensitive to details on the screen. But at home, on my eMac, I couldn't see them either.

Anyway, I'm really curious to smell the cologne now...mainly because the campaign is so dirrrty. Uunfortunately it isn't being sold yet in Nashville according to the website.

Commented by Anonymous Anonymous, 7:24 AM  
Twinkie - you mean the scent of clorox in spray bottle? :)

Commented by Anonymous Anonymous, 8:09 AM  

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